Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

Chest and fast heart?

I am a transgender male 13 year old. For four years I get chest pains when breathing every once in a while. Achey in the bottom of my ribs in the back and very sharp pains in the front on both sides. I had to get a sports physical a year ago and was 'recommended cardiac arrest' due to my heart being 140bpm after 2 minutes of rest from a jog in place. After waiting another 2 minutes it was low 130's. The highest it's ever been was 264bpm while giving a presentation. I am very concerned as this has been slowly getting worse.

Male | 13 years old
Complaint duration: 4 years

2 Answers

Your complaints are very concerning for an arrhythmia you should seek attention from a cardiologist, EKG Holter monitor etc.
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