Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

ā€œDermatologist question?ā€

I have a dermatologist appointment in two weeks. Iā€™m a bit nervous, since two of my moles are discolored (have black in it) instead of all being a solid brown. Do all moles like that mean something serious like melanoma? Should I not worry?

Female | 21 years old

3 Answers

Most moles are not melanoma. That said, if you have a family history of skin cancer, fair skin, blue eyes, and/or have experienced sunburns as a child or tan indoors, I would have heightened concern. Great that you are being checked by a local dermatologist!
Always a good idea to get strange looking moles checked
James Spencer MD MS
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You will be seen soon. It can be tough but try not to worry. Lots of moles have different colors. Good decision to go see an expert to ensure you get evaluated.