Dentist Questions Dentist

Do gums reattach after deep cleanings?

I am a 29 year old female. I want to know if gums reattach after deep cleanings?

7 Answers

Gums do not reattach after deep cleanings. They will tighten up and look healthier and pinker, but once attachment is lost, it does not come back.
Yes, they will reattach to the bone, at the level of the bone, they do not attach to the teeth, but may seem to if you have/had calculus (i.e., tartar). That "attachment" to teeth via the calculus is not a good thing. Keep your gums and teeth clean by flossing then brushing EVERY night. At 29, you won't get bone back, but you can maintain the level where it is with really good brushing and flossing habits.

Hope this helps,

Dr. Bronk
Yes, to some extent. Perio maintenance and home care is very important for good healing long term.

Yes they can.

Dr. Johnson
I think I understand what you are trying to ask, but the way you ask is not correct. The pocket depth is the distance from the tip of the gum tissue, where it meets the tooth as you see it, to the depth of the pocket where there is an attachment. If the pocket is 5 mm. or more, you cannot reach to the base of the pocket to remove plaque daily in order to maintain good health. When scaling and root planing is performed, the purpose is to remove hard buildup of calcified plaque (calculus), bacterial toxins, and sick gum tissue. The gum usually will recede and the tooth may look a little longer, but the pocket depth will diminish, making efficient plaque removal possible. Sometimes the attachment on the other side of the pocket can move up and make the pocket depth shallower too. So, if you are seeing some shrinkage at the gum line, that is not going to grow back.
Yes but at a lower point on the tooth

Russell A. Sassack, D.D.S.