Physiatrist (Physical Medicine) Questions Back Pain

Is my back pain serious enough to go to the hospital?

Hi my name is Amanda, I am 18 years old and a female. I popped my back 4 days ago trying to crack it and the past three days the left side of my back has been hurting and achy and it gets worse with rest. I dont know if it’s serious enough to go to the doctor or not.

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: Setraline.
Conditions: Anxiety/Depression. Asthma.

6 Answers

Hi Amanda, as it has only been 3 days you could wait, take Tylenol or Advil, stretch your back gently. If pain doesn't get better or gets worse in a week or so then see your doctor

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I would recommend going to your primary care physician.
Hi Amanda, You pain if it has continued warrants a visit to a Physical Therapist in your area.
Have it checked
Hi Amanda, I would encourage you to get evaluated by a medical doctor quickly. Pain at rest that will not go away with your age definitely would warrant a medical doctor visit. Starting with a medical clinic close to you might be easiest. go get yourself looked at Amanda. Best of luck.
Back pain only comes from strain of muscle/fascia where the pain is located. Nothing else is wrong. No need for MRI, X-ray or hospitalization at all. The strained tissue can only be released by light touch to initiate self-healing by the body itself. None of the external treatments work, including medication, manipulation, any modalities or procedures of physical therapy (cold/hot packs, electrotherapy, massage, stretching, strengthening, etc). With light touch, it can be cured in 1-2 hours. It is detailed in my book “NO MORE PAIN All Pain Considered - A Breakthrough”.