Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Is this an emergency?

I have pain in the upper left chest almost to the shoulder and BP of 178/68 and a heart rate of 66. I had a heart attack in 2008 and a triple bypass in 2014. I went to the ER 3 days ago for pain in the neck area but EKG was alright. What should I do? Is this an emergency?

Male | 70 years old
Complaint duration: 4 days
Conditions: Heart disease

3 Answers

Sorry about the delay in the answer. You should see a cardiologist for evaluation. The emergency room visit apparently showed that you are not having a heart attack at that time. I do recommend you see your cardiologist in the very near future
Chest pain like you’re having, especially when you have known coronary artery disease, is very serious. You should definitely be seen immediately either in the ER or by a cardiologist. Just because the rusty electrocardiogram does not look too bad does not mean you’re not having an acute coronary syndrome. Whether you need a stress test or possibly a coronary angiogram will be left up to you and your cardiologist. You need a workup. Blood pressure is definitely too high and that is a tremendous risk to you for a stroke and heart attack and death. Once again, that blood pressure is not a medical emergency, but needs immediate or urgent attention.
Your pressure is very high and you have a strong history of coronary artery disease. If the ED thought your ECG was okay, then you should go to your cardiologist to have him adjust your BP medication and maybe order a stress test.