Geriatrician Questions Wounds And Injuries

My grandfather is suffering from wound in the leg that is not healing. What can I do?

My grandfather is 92 years old and had a fall in which he suffered a wound in his leg. The wound is now beginning to spread all over the leg and has severe pus oozing out of it. It seems to be eating into the body and is quite ugly to look at. What can I do to treat his condition. Given his age are there chances that it may not heal?

3 Answers


Based on the signs and symptoms, your grandfather has cellulitis in his leg. Cellulitis is a bacterial infection of the skin that affects the deeper layers of the skin and frequently affects the legs (like in your grandfather). Cellulitis is a potentially dangerous bacterial infection and may quickly become life-threatening. Systemic antibiotics - oral or intravenous - are needed to treat this serious infection.You should bring your grandfather to a hospital for treatment of cellulitis as soon as possible.
If your description is accurate, he needs hospital medical attention STAT because it sounds severely infected. And given his age, yes there is a chance it won't heal. Get him to the ER if you haven't already.
I'm sorry to hear. Please call your grandfather's primary care physician.
This sounds like this wound needs attention.​