Hematologist (Blood Specialist) Questions Lymphocytes

Persistent lymphotocytosis

A routine blood test April this year showed a 4.5 lymphocyte. My GP ordered for another blood test within a day. Result came back the same. Then another blood test after 4 weeks.. My lymphocytes went up to 4.9. All results are normal including white blood cell of 9. My symptoms are pain on left underarm. But pain comes and go. Starting to experience night sweats. Not drenching though.

Male | 53 years old
Complaint duration: 10months
Medications: Olmetec 20, nexium40,ibegorast

1 Answer

You have a minimal elevation in the lymphocyte count. This could be temporary due to certain viral infections, or it could be due to an early chronic lymphocytic leukemia of low-grade lymphoma. You need a through examination to look for enlarged lymph nodes. A follow-up blood test in a 2 to 3 month period should be done. A simple blood test called flow cytometry can usually tell if this is simple reactive lymphocytes vs. CLL vs. lymphoma.