Chiropractor Questions Chiropractic care

Physical neck/head/shoulders

I am constantly having tension in my shoulders and neck also I am uncontrollably moving/stretching my head n neck which sometimes cause migraines or more tension. I have scoliosis plus I landed on my head off of my bike in 2019 or so but all they said I had was a concussion at that time nothing further so I'm not sure why I'm having this uncontrollably tic type feeling.

Male | 24 years old
Complaint duration: Maybe a 2 years or so
Medications: N/a
Conditions: Scoliosis/head trauma

21 Answers

Based on the fact that you were diagnosed with concussion I'm sure you suffered a significant blow to the head but also trauma to the neck as well. That said TBI can cause headaches and so can the neck injury. Therefore what to do.
1. Find a competent doctor.
2. COMPLETE EXAM. The physician must perform a hands on orthopedic and neurological evaluation as well as cervical stress films at 72 inches.
3. If neurological findings warrant perform MRI of the neck.

With this info in hand a care plan can be designed. Most likely the trauma also caused soft tissue damage to the neck muscle or ligaments and this includes the joint capsule. If this is the case this can cause chronic inflammation in the joints, spastic muscles and nerve root irritation and the subsequent neck pain headaches and limited movement. A competent physician should be able to figure this out for you without difficulty
We recommend an exam and potential xrays. A care plan/treatment protocol would be given after.
You need care in order to get rid of the pain
Call my office 212 243 5515
I am quite familiar with your situation as I have treated many others during my 33 years in practice suffering with similar symptoms.Such as wrestlers and TBI victims from head traumas. The reason for the tic symptoms is the brain and nervous system are locked up & out of balance from the trauma. This puts the muscular system out of sync or phase and disrupts the normal nerve supply to the muscles. Most of the patients I have treated for this recovered completely. I hope this helps.
OMG!!!!! I am so sorry for your problems. You may have ligamentous tear/ laxity in your Cervical/Neck spine, Take Flex/Extension X-rays when seated !
Concussion + scoliosis is URGENT care,… please listen to your body and get care ASAP. You are young now but the future domino effect consequences are grave if left untreated. You want to find a chiropractor who specializes in CBP. find your local doctor here and best of luck
This could possibly be caused by damaging a nerve. Seek a chiropractor to examine and evaluate you. Call around asking if they have experience with scoliosis and trauma. I have seen this before.
Call me at 366-9200 and I can answer any questions you may have
Majority of the time the upper neck, shoulders are compensating for an instability in your pelvis. Since there is no stability in that lower region, your upper half spasms and locks up as a means of compensation; in an attempt to stabilize the situation.
Your symptoms could be related to a combination of factors, including your scoliosis, previous concussion, and the tension you're experiencing. The uncontrollable movements you're describing might be a result of muscle spasms. It's advisable to consult With Peak Performance, who can thoroughly assess your situation.
Uncontrollable tics could be a symptom of Tourette's Syndrome. You may have had a sub-clinical case with no symptoms, but the stress from the trauma may have brought them out. In addition, the constant tension that resulted from the trauma may be relieved by having a certified Active Release Technique (ART) practitioner soft tissue specialist examine and treat you. You can find a qualified ART practitioner by going to and select "Find a Provider."
To get a more accurate diagnosis or "Why" to your problem, you would have to be evaluated by a doctor as to why you are still experiencing these symptoms. These issues can be contributed to from your injury as well as daily habits.
Medical doctors look for fractures. I would suggest you see I chiro for additional help. We might not be able to change your scoliosis but we could possibly help making you more comfortable in your body.
I would strongly recommend going to a local chiropractor for an evaluation. I treat people like you very successfully every day!
Hello there. Concussions cause headaches, many times for years. Head trauma can trigger neck and shoulder pain. Since this happened in 2019 it is now a chronic condition. You need a workup with a Chiropractor who is willing to give you a treatment plan that includes adjustment and a variety of modalities including infrared laser and massage or manual therapy.
I'm so sorry you are suffering so much. Oftentimes after a fall and trauma to the head and neck, the muscles, joints, and nerves are affected and can cause long-lasting symptoms.
The fall on your bike undoubtedly affected the joints in your neck. With an acute injury, the joints connecting the bones together will swell, and the muscles will tighten to splint the injury. An untreated cervical injury like yours often turns into chronically tight neck muscles and headaches. Left untreated, the pain can begin to radiate into the shoulders, arms, and eventually the hands.

Whoever examined you after your fall was probably focused on the head injury, a potentially more severe problem. Alternating hot and cold on your neck can provide some relief, but to resolve your problem, have the injury evaluated by a chiropractor as they specialize in spinal injuries.
Your symptoms may be related to the 2019 injury, but there may be some other neurological issues going on as well. You need to get this checked out by competent health care professionals, including but not limited to a chiropractor, neurologist, and/or physical therapist.
The relationship between your alignment, your muscles, and your nerves is off. Contact a chiropractor to have x-rays and get the care it most certainly will help.
Well your question is very interesting, you should consult with a good neurologist if stretching your neck produces a headache 2 years post trauma. Once you are cleared by neurology a Doctor of Chiropractic should be able to help with the chronic tension you describe.
Best to make an appointment with a chiropractor so they can thoroughly examine and evaluate you.
As a consequence of your 2019 Concussion, you may have lasting Brain Injury from that traumatic injury. What your describing, is a Dystonia condition causing your “Tics”. This occurs from Basal Ganglia dysfunction in your Brain. I suggest you get a thorough examination by a Neurologist as soon as possible to get help.