Dermatology Questions Dermatologist

Suspected Photoallergic Reaction to Tattoo Removal?

I am a 21 year old white female with a suspected photoallergic reaction to tattoo removal of red ink and looking for a treatment plan. Removal session was done on December 6, 2021. Only one session was completed due to the bad skin reaction. The inflammation is localized only around the parts of the tattoo that contained red ink. The removal site has consistently been itchy, flaky, inflamed, warm to the touch, and bothersome. Removal site is on the right rib area. Symptoms become noticeably worse upon friction caused by bra strap. Only medication taken during time of tattoo removal was oral contraceptives. No supporting documentation can be provided as of now.

Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 6 months
Medications: N/A
Conditions: N/A

1 Answer

Hi,  I assume the red pigment was treated with a laser. Red dye is the most frequent cause of tattoo allergy. A prescription steroid may prove of benefit as may a steroid shot into the area. Best to visit a local dermatologist for full evaluation.