Oncologist Questions

Swollen groin lymph nodes

I’ve had swollen lymph nodes in my groin for a couple months.
They’re moveable (less moveable further down my groin near my pubic bone due to space I believe), can get sore, can get a little irritated during my menstrual cycle then go back down once my cycle is over. That side of my groin is definitely more sensitive during my cycle.
I don’t have any symptoms of lymphoma, I don’t have night sweats, or weight loss, or back ache, or fatigue, or itching or sensitivity to alcohol. I feel completely fine and blood work came back good. I do have and have had athletes foot for a couple years that won’t go away and have only had one sexual partner in the past 8 years. I have an ultrasound coming up but curious what it could be or what I can ask to get answers? Do groin lymph nodes go back down?

Female | 36 years old
Complaint duration: 7 months
Medications: Multi vitamins
Conditions: Swollen lymph nodes in groin

1 Answer

Lymph nodes can "go back down". Have a doctor examine you