Neurologist Questions Neurologist

Tiny blackouts

I’m sure this is nothing but at random times I’ll have these mini blackouts. I don’t fully pass out but for an instant I’ll lose consciousness sort of. Some are stronger then others. Like today I nearly hit my head on my desk. They’ve been happening for years and I was just wondering what they were.

3 Answers

Could be a series of things. Depending on age sex etc. Mini seizures ( Petit mal), narcolepsy, vasovagal episodes. Best thing to do is contact your primary to see you, evaluate and refer to a Neurologist. 
Many possibilities depending on your age range and health otherwise or medications. Could be very brief seizures; if they occur only going from sit to stand, you could be having a drop in blood pressure or be dehydrated.its possible but unlikely they are mini strokes.
Honestly, this would require more information. These types of findings can occur in an array of disorders that span from Cardiac issues all the way down to Neurological issues. However, I would recommend getting this addressed by a Neurologist. Regards, Dr. A