Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

What can I do with my eye strain?

I have an eye strain. What can I do with my eye strain?

4 Answers

depends on the cause
needs to be evaluated by an eye doc
The question that I have for you is, have you seen an eye doctor in order to diagnose what the problem actually is? "Eye strain" may be a refraction/prescription issue that may be resolved with eyeglasses or contact lenses in order to "calm down" and clear up the straining effect. If you have myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism, this can be resolved with lenses. If the "strain" is actually something else, this can only be determined by seeing an eye doctor and describing the problems that you are having with your eyes.
Good luck and best wishes.
Glasses, dry eye drops, etc.
Tak mor frequent breaks from near work and be sure to wear the correct lenses.