Acupuncture Questions Gastroenterologist

What helps with diarrhea?

I have had diarrhea already for 5 days. What helps with diarrhea?

7 Answers

●Yes it  can be permanently cured with Homeopathy Treatment . ●Very effective medicines are there in Homeopathic ●With my treatment of you will get permanent relief. ●Will prescribe the complete treatment ●You can consult me now through online     Warm regards
For diarrhea I suggest you avoid cold foods and drinks for a period of time and make an apppointment to go see a good acupuncturist. Using acupuncture and herbs for your gastro intestinal problem will help get rid of the symptom of diarrhea.
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You can try acupuncture, it might help you.
For short term diarrhea, it's ok to take Imodium or Kaopectate.

If you've had diarrhea for five days, it's important to address dehydration and consider seeking medical attention, especially if there are severe symptoms like high fever, severe abdominal pain, or signs of dehydration. Here's what can help with diarrhea:

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids like water, broth, and oral rehydration solutions to replace lost fluids and electrolytes.

Dietary Adjustments: Eat bland, easy-to-digest foods like bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast (BRAT diet). Avoid dairy products, fatty foods, high-fiber foods, and spicy foods until your symptoms improve.

Avoid Certain Substances: Steer clear of caffeine, alcohol, and sugary drinks, as they can worsen diarrhea.

Over-the-Counter Medications: Medications like loperamide (Imodium) can reduce diarrhea, but they are not always recommended, especially if the cause is an infection. Use these only if advised by a healthcare provider.

Probiotics: These can help restore the gut's natural flora. Probiotics are found in foods like yogurt and in supplements, but consult with a healthcare provider before starting them.

Rest: Give your body ample rest to recover.

Since your diarrhea has lasted for five days, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider to identify the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment. Persistent diarrhea can lead to dehydration and other complications, so medical evaluation is advisable.
Bananas and cheese are both binding. Other than that, OTC diarrhea meds usually work well. If they don't, you might want to see your PCP to see if there is something else causing it.
Acupuncture may be helpful in relieving diarrhea.

What the research says: "In this systematic review and meta-analysis, the effectiveness and safety of 31 acupuncture concerned studies for patients with IBS-D or FD (Diarrhea-Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Functional Diarrhea) were evaluated. We found that acupuncture can significantly reduce the number of stools per week in IBS-D or FD patients, improve patients' overall symptoms, improve the total effective rate, decrease the recurrence rate, and reduce the pain level of patients. Based on the results, we believe that acupuncture can improve the quality of life of patients with IBS-D or FD." From: