Chiropractor Questions Chiropractic care

Whats wrong with my back?

I have severe pain in my lower left back and in my left thigh in the front. I also have a painful knot on the lower left part of my back. I can only get relief when I sit down in certain positions. When I stand up or have to walk the pain is almost unbearable.

Male | 48 years old
Complaint duration: 2 days

12 Answers

An exam and xrays would be recommended with a full case history as well. Care/treatment plan would be completed after that.
It sounds like a disc problem It needs to be relieved.
Call my office 212 243 5515
Heat and stretch! Sounds like an initial relief. This is a mechanical issue causing neuromusculoskeletal pathology. You must take your X-rays Standing ( 5view lumbar spine including Flextion/Extesion). Will reveal the mechanical irritation of weight bearing problem. Front thigh pain is Nerve pinch most likely level L2/L3/L4 or refresh pain pattern from Internal organs.
Ask your primary care to prescribe X-rays and request Kidney evaluation just to be safe. I hope this is a good start for you.

Saving lives One spine at a time.
Dr Romina
Sounds like L2 or L3 facet joint refered pain. A pain management Dr can do an injection to confirm and then burn the nerve. The pain will resolve but the cause which is usually bad posture and spinal biomechanics will need to be addressed. Find a chiropractor who does rehab or works with a PT. I see this often.
It sounds like you may have an adhesion of the femoral nerve that sits between the iliacs and psoas muscles and which may be in spasm. When the iliacus and psoas muscles, which are attached to the front of the spine and to the upper and inner part of your femur (thigh bone,) are in spasm it may be difficult to stand and walk without back pain. I'd recommend seeing an Active Release Technique practitioner. You can find someone in your area by going online to and select Find a Provider.
Please go see your doctor and/ or a chiropractor to see what is going on with your back. Pain I a no fun, please see someone soon.
The fact that your back pain changes with positional changes, suggests that you are possibly suffering from a mechanical joint spinal problem. This type of problem usually responds quickly to Chiropractic adjustments.
The nerves that exit from the lower back branch out and travel down the leg. When there is pressure on those nerves it can cause pain, numbness, or burning to radiate down the nerve's pathway. Pain radiating down the leg from the lower back is commonly referred to as "sciatica". Icing the lower back and NSAIDS can provide some temporary relief but addressing the cause of the problem is the only thing that will provide long-lasting relief. Chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, ice, and physical therapy treatments like electric muscle stimulation and ultrasound are all helpful in treating your injury. When an injury like this occurs, it's best to start with ice on the lower back and if that doesn't provide fast relief, schedule an appointment with your chiropractor to find the true cause of your pain.
It is difficult to say with absolute certainty, but you most likely are experiencing muscle spasms that are putting pressure on the nerves that go to your thigh.
I'd recommend finding a local chiropractor that can evaluate you and either treat you or refer you out for additional tests or treatment.
That sounds like a severe muscle spasm. If it continues for more than 4 days or has happened before i suggest visiting a chiropractor to get x rays and a full spinal evaluation.
I would recommend a visit to a chiropractor for an exam and evaluation to
confirm the cause. Often it is sacroiliac joint or lumbar joint segmental
dysfunction and associated strain.
A proper diagnosis can be made after a thorough examination.