Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Why do I have episodes where everything is super loud and fast in my head?

Every few months since I was a little kid I had these episodes where everything seems to be super loud like I'm yelling my thoughts. Everything gets really loud and I feel like I'm moving at 100mph but I'm actually moving slowly, it is really hard to describe what it feels like so I never told my parents or anyone. The yelling is like your thoughts are mad at you or there is a very loud argument inside your head with your thoughts. For example, "I AM PUTTING TOOTHPASTE ON MY TOOTHBRUSH, AND NOW I'M GOING TO BRUSH MY TEETH!!!"

These episodes have been happening less frequently as I'm getting older but it happened yesterday. So I looked up the description for the first time and found a whole page of like 700 people with the same problem (I thought I was the only one) but no one has an answer. If you have any idea what this could be please help me!

Female | 13 years old
Complaint duration: scene I was a little kid

2 Answers

Take a look at this link for some insight into your question:
You might consider consulting a Neurologist.