Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesiologist

Will I get general anesthesia for a colonoscopy?

I will have a colonoscopy. Will I get general anesthesia for a colonoscopy?

6 Answers

During a colonoscopy, anesthesia or sedation is commonly used to ensure the patient is comfortable and relaxed during the procedure. However, the type of anesthesia or sedation administered can vary depending on several factors, including your medical history, the specific procedure being performed, and the preferences of your healthcare provider or the facility where the colonoscopy is taking place. The two primary types of anesthesia or sedation used for colonoscopies are:

1. **Moderate Sedation (Conscious Sedation)**: This is the most common type of anesthesia used for colonoscopies. With moderate sedation, you are given medications that make you drowsy and relaxed but still conscious. You can respond to verbal cues and follow instructions during the procedure, although you may not remember much afterward. It allows you to breathe on your own, and it is generally considered safe.

2. **General Anesthesia**: In some cases, general anesthesia may be used, especially if the colonoscopy is part of a more extensive surgical procedure or if there are specific medical reasons for using general anesthesia. With general anesthesia, you are completely unconscious, and you do not experience any pain or awareness during the procedure. You will typically require assistance with breathing during the procedure, and this is provided by an anesthesia provider.

The choice between moderate sedation and general anesthesia is typically made based on the complexity of the procedure, your overall health, and your preferences. Your healthcare provider or the facility performing the colonoscopy will discuss the options with you and ensure that you are comfortable with the chosen method.

It's important to follow any fasting instructions provided by your healthcare provider before the colonoscopy, as anesthesia or sedation is often used, and an empty stomach is required for safety reasons. Additionally, be sure to discuss any concerns or questions you have about the anesthesia or sedation with your healthcare provider or the anesthesia team before the procedure. They can provide you with more specific information about what to expect during the colonoscopy.
Gold standard for colonoscopy is deep IV sedation with propofol.
No, most colonoscopies are done with IV sedation only, not general anesthesia
Normally, no. Conscious sedation mainly.