Dentist Questions Cavities

Can a small cavity heal itself?

I have two small cavities on either side of my mouth. They're not causing me too much pain at all. Do you think small cavities can heal themselves? Or should I just get them filled?

3 Answers

Cavities both small or large do not have the ability to heal themselves. The best option is to go see your dentist asap while the cavity is still small so you can have a tooth-coloured filling put in thus saving your tooth from future problems that can lead to further decay leading to an infection that may require a root canal or worse case an extraction. Hope this answers your question.
If the cavities are actual holes or if they have progressed to the dentin, they cannot heal. If they can be classified as “incipient” then they can be healed.

Dr. K
There are some ideas that cavities can heal themselves. You stated that these cavities are small and not causing too much PAIN. As a rule cavities don't heal themselves. To stop the decay you need to get those teeth restored. The newer tooth colored material forms a chemical and mechanical bond. Gum disease does not get better on its own. Visit your dentist. Remove all decay, and get on a home care program that fits your routine. Keeping your mouth healthy is part of the MOUTH-BODY-MIND HEALTH TRIAD. A healthy mouth helps keep your total health at maximum.