Emergency Physician Questions Low grade fever

low low grade fever

Three days I have low grade fever not continuous. I am suffering from peptic ulcer

Female | 29 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days not continous
Medications: crocin
Conditions: no

3 Answers

if you just have low grade fever and no abdominal symptoms, it may be from viral syndrome. Peptic ulcer by itself is not known to cause fever. Low grade bladder infection is a possibility in females.
If fever persists, seek medical advice.
Unfortunately, this is not enough information for a definitive answer. Fever does not usually go with peptic ulcer, unless it is eroding through and leaking into the abdomen, which then usually causes significant illness and/or discomfort, prompting an ER visit for care. If unrelated, the low-grade/intermittent fevers may be from an early viral process that is common this time of year - -the actual flu (influenza), or one of a few viral infections that cause either upper respiratory illness or GI tract illnesses. The flu and upper respiratory infections often last for a week. See your doctor or an Urgent Care if new symptoms or if worsening condition.

Donald W. Alves, MD, MS, FACEP
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But is it a blood ulcer or do you have dispepsia? Fever in a low grade if you no have other symptoms, gastric, resp., or urinary, etc., take acetaminophen or ibuprofen in low doses, 650mg vs 400mg.