Radiologist Questions Bone Marrow Diseases

What are the tests to confirm bone marrow cancer?

The doctors are suspecting a cancer for my father who is 75 years old. They have ordered a few tests to confirm the diagnosis? What are the tests recommended for bone marrow cancer? Just want to confirm to know if the investigations are in the right direction.

4 Answers

A bone marrow biopsy would be needed to confirm the diagnosis.
Other tests frequently ordered to help define the extent of the disease are CT, MRI, bone scan and possibly a PET. Blood tests are also usually needed to assess for anemia and other blood abnormalities
A bone marrow biopsy is probably the best test to perform. This will give the most information. Sometimes, urine test and blood test can also be an adjunct.
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The best way is a bone marrow biopsy. Bone scans can be unreliable for leukemia or myeloma.
CT guided bone marrow biopsy