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How do I approach my son about his eating disorder?

I believe my 12 year old son has a binge-eating disorder, and this started after he tried out for the wrestling team. I think he's doing this to bulk up. . . How do I approach...

Is it harder to lose weight with type 2 diabetes?

I'm trying to lose weight because it's really the cause of my diabetes, but I feel like it's not really working. I changed my diet and I exercise at least 2 times a week. Is...

What's the difference between obese and overweight?

I've been considered overweight for the past year and a half but after I gained a few more pounds, I'm considered obese. What's the main difference between obese and overweight?...

How can I get my child on a diet?

I want my son on a diet because how he eats is just harming him physically and mentally. What can I do to help convince him? He's 12 years old, overweight, and his diet consists...

Can obesity contribute to anxiety attacks?

My daughter weights over 130 lbs, and for her age, she's considered obese. I'm also realizing that her anxiety has gotten worse and she suffers from attacks every so often. Could...

How common is depression among overweight patients?

My cousin has been gaining a lot of weight lately, and she recently told me that she feels anxious and depressed. Especially after her doctor told her that she's gained too much...

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