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How should I raise my adopted child?

My husband and I decided to adopt a child because we are having difficulties conceiving our own. We just got the approval to adopt, but we both feel a little out of our element....

Can a social worker help a child with a disability?

My son has muscular dystrophy, and he also suffers from depression because he realizes that he can't do the things that other kids his age can do. Do you think a social worker...

Should I involve my son's school social worker in his mental health?

My son has a lot of issues with his mental health and I noticed him exhibiting signs of depression. He's only in middle school, so I'm worried if something is happening there--like...

Is it bad for babies to be raised in prison?

In NY, a law was passed that allows the baby to be raised in prison, by the mother, in the first few months of the baby's life. And to me. . . it just seems wrong? I learned...

Would an absent father affect my daughter's mental health?

Since we separated, my daughter's father has been in and out of her life. Sometimes, he'll be around for a while, other times he'll disappear for months at a time--not even call...

Can a social worker help improve my son's behavior?

My son gets into fights at school. It's happened once or twice, and all the school has done was suspend both of those times, for five days. If it happens again, he would get...

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