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What treatments are available for diabetes?

I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2. What treatments are available for diabetes?

Is lung CT scan with dye safe?

I will have a CT scan of my lungs with dye. Is a lung CT scan with dye safe?

Can pneumonia be fixed with medications?

I have pneumonia. Can pneumonia be fixed with medications?

What helps with pain after hand surgery?

I had hand surgery 2 days ago and it hurts. What helps with pain after hand surgery?

What helps with dizziness from a CT scan?

I feel dizzy after the CT scan. What helps with dizziness from a CT scan?

Can I eat meat during the third trimester?

I am in my third trimester. Can I eat meat during the third trimester?

Can chronic knee pain be fixed?

I have chronic knee pain. Can chronic knee pain be fixed?

I have a rash that is between legs and on testicles

My rash is itchy only a little pink between legs but testicles are red and penis is starting to itch


I have been having sweating, chills, sore throat, pink eye and temp 99. 1. I have cough off thick mucus with blood in it

What causes spasms in your leg calfs every night

I wake up in excruciating pain every night with keg cramps and spasms that are very oainful

Is surgery necessary for appendicitis?

I was diagnosed with appendicitis. Is surgery necessary for appendicitis?

What helps with a drug addiction?

I have a drug addiction. What helps with a drug addiction?

Can hearing loss affect speech?

My baby has hearing loss in her right ear. Can hearing loss affect speech?

Can I eat meat if I have a kidney infection?

I have a kidney infection. Can I eat meat if I have a kidney infection?

How long after a heart transplant can you walk?

My friend will have heart transplant surgery. How long after a heart transplant can you walk?

How do I bring up problems with sex with my therapist?

I've been thinking about bringing up problems I've had with ex gfs and my current gf to my female therapist but I think it will just make her uncomfortable. I've struggled with...

Can seasonal allergies be stopped?

I have seasonal allergies. Can seasonal allergies be stopped?

Does anesthesia help hospice patients?

My friend moved to hospice care. Does anesthesia help hospice patients?

Does ankle sprain need surgery?

I sprained my ankle. Does ankle sprain need surgery?

Do you need surgery after a heart attack?

My friend had a heart attack yesterday. Do you need surgery after a heart attack?

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