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Knee and joints pain

Hello, I recently started having pain in my knees and shoulders. My knees make a grinding sound and they pop. My shoulders hurt and they pop as well. This issue is making me...

Is chiropractic treatment good for hip arthritis?

I have hip arthritis. Is chiropractic treatment good for hip arthritis?

Can you live a full life with hip arthritis?

I have hip arthritis. Can you live a full life with hip arthritis?

How long does it take to recover from arthritis hand surgery?

I have hand arthritis and will have surgery. How long does it take to recover from arthritis hand surgery?

How can you help with knee arthritis?

I have knee arthritis. How can you help with knee arthritis?

What exercises get rid of rounded shoulders?

I have rounded shoulders. What exercises get rid of rounded shoulders?

What exercises to avoid with arthritis?

I have knee arthritis. What exercises to avoid with arthritis?

Can arthritis be fixed?

I have arthritis. Can arthritis be fixed?

Should I see a doctor for shoulder joint pain?

I have shoulder joint pain. I think it is because of my sleep position. Should I see a doctor for shoulder joint pain?

How long after knee surgery can I climb stairs?

I will have knee surgery. How long after knee surgery can I climb stairs?

Can hip arthritis pain be treated?

I have hip arthritis pain. Can hip arthritis pain be treated?

Can shoulder joint pain be fixed?

I have shoulder joint pain. Can shoulder joint pain be fixed?

What activities to avoid with hip pain?

I have hip pain. What activities to avoid with hip pain?

What treatment is good for bulging discs?

I have a bulging disc. What treatment is good for bulging discs?

What is the treatment for hip arthritis?

I have hip arthritis. What is the treatment for hip arthritis?

How do you help ankle arthritis?

I have ankle arthritis. How do you help ankle arthritis?

Can hip pain from arthritis be fixed?

I have hip pain from arthritis. Can hip pain from arthritis be fixed?

Is ankle arthritis curable?

I was diagnosed with ankle arthritis. Is ankle arthritis curable?

How do you fix arthritis in the ankle?

I have ankle arthritis. How do you fix arthritis in the ankle?

Can hip arthritis be fixed?

I was diagnosed with hip arthritis. Can hip arthritis be fixed?

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