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Large scar on my hand. Can it be removed?

A while back I burned my hand while making tea and it left a second degree burn. I probably should have gone to the hospital for it but I was young and stupid, so I didn't. But...

I lost a lot of weight very fast. What can I do with my skin?

I'm 22 and have lost 120 lbs in the past year and a half from changing my eating habits and going to the gym. But now the skin on my arms and my stomach are sagging. What can...

What are the non-surgical methods to reduce breast size?

Hi, I am 27 years old. My right breast is bigger than my left breast, and I wanna make it smaller so that my breasts are equal in size. I don't want to have surgery for it because...

What's involved in an eyelid lift?

There is a lot of excess skin around my upper eyelids, and it's causing them sag. Since I'm getting older, I'm considering getting this excess skin removed from them. I want...

How long will it take for my skin graft to heal?

My hands are covered in burns from a recent baking incident, and I'm going to have a skin graft done on them soon. My doctor told me that I would need to avoid any strenuous activities...

How long do skin tightening treatments last?

I want to get laser skin tightening treatments because, really, none of the home treatments I have seem to be working. Are skin tightening treatments long-term?

How long would I need to wear a splint after a nose job?

I'm planning on getting a nose job soon. In fact, I scheduled it for the beginning of March, and I have to say, I'm pretty excited for it. However, me and my surgeon didn't really...

Does a double mastectomy prevent breast cancer?

I have a family history of breast cancer, and I want to have a double mastectomy because my doctor told me that I was at a high risk. Would this prevent breast cancer?

Does it take a while to recover from a mommy makeover?

After having my baby, I really don't have a lot of confidence in my body and I think I want a mommy makeover to fix a few things. I mainly want three procedures: a breast augmentation,...

How can plastic surgery remove my birthmark?

I have an ugly birth mark that almost completely covers my arm. I would like to remove it. Can a plastic surgeon help with this? What exactly would they do?

Should I get lipo laser treatment rather than liposuction?

I heard lipo laser therapy has less of a recovery time than liposuction, so I think I want to have that for the extra fat around my stomach and thighs. Is it just as effective...

What can I do to prepare for my tummy?

I have a tummy tuck scheduled to be done after the New Year. Is there anything that I can do to prepare for my surgery?

How long is a recovery from a breast augmentation?

I'm considering getting a breast augmentation, but I can't be out of work for too long because of this surgery. How long is the recovery usually for a breast augmentation?

Does a fall mark heal on its own, or do I need plastic surgery?

I have a deep cut from a really bad fall. Will this leave a scar? And if it does, can the scar heal on its own or would I need plastic surgery?

Can I get rid of stretch marks through plastic surgery?

Can plastic surgery help me get rid of my stretch marks that I have got from pregnancy?

Even after a lip surgery, my lips are not in perfect shape. What should I do?

I had a lip surgery, because I always felt that my lips were not in a perfect shape. Even after the surgery, the shape isn't what I expected. What should I do about it now?

Does a rhinoplasty also affect the bone?

I want to have a rhinoplasty because my nose is way too big. Is this surgery likely to affect the bone in my nose?

Can I apply makeup after a plastic surgery?

I have to get plastic surgery for a mark on my forehead. Is it okay to apply makeup on my face a day or two after my surgery?

How are 2nd and 3rd burns treated?

How are 2nd and 3rd burns in a person treated? Do they all require a plastic surgery?

Does a hair transplant hurt?

I want to have a hair transplant for my baldness, but this procedure usually hurt? And will it hurt me after I have the transplant?

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