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What type of doctor should you see after a stroke?

My friend had a stroke. What type of doctor should you see after a stroke?

What should I avoid with chronic headaches?

I have chronic headaches. What should I avoid with chronic headaches?

How long after a stroke does it take to fully recover?

My friend had a stroke. How long after a stroke does it take to fully recover?

How should I treat sudden low blood pressure?

I have sudden low blood pressure. How should I treat sudden low blood pressure?

Is swollen thyroid an emergency?

My thyroid is swollen. Is swollen thyroid an emergency?

Can you drive a car after heart transplant surgery?

My friend had heart transplant surgery 2 months ago. Can you drive a car after heart transplant surgery?

Infection after surgery?

I had surgery on my finger in February and I think it is infected. I have no energy and I have a headache.

Motorcycle burn?

I got burnt on my leg from my motorcycle's tailpipe. The tailpipe was rusted I used antibacterial cream should I also clean it with peroxide it's two days later and it's starting...

Crushed thumb?

I slammed my thumb in the car door yesterday and it's really sore. It alternates from throbbing to pins and needles to numbness.

Syringe needle broke in arm?

The tip of a 30 gauge, 5/16” length syringe broke off in my arm, not far from my right elbow. What should I do?

Mold exposure?

What are the symptoms of mold exposure?

Does my wound look ok?

I fell on Sunday and my wound started looking like this an hour after I put Neosporin on it. I have used it for the last 2 days.

Do I need help?

I woke up seizing and now I have a massive headache with sharp pains in and out. Now I have ringing in my right ear and tingling in my fingertips.

Should I go to the ER or make a appointment with doctors?

Hi, I’ve been experiencing stomach pain, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, and losing an unhealthy amount of weight. For almost a year now but it has gotten worse.

Dysautonomia? Or early thyroid cancer?

History; I was a 9-pound baby, born with no heart conditions. My mother and father both had cancer around the time I was born. When I was born I had shoulder dystocia and a...

Car accident knee question?

Towards the end of March, I was involved in a car accident as a passenger and had my legs crossed as the car pulled out in front causing us to T Bone her. My front knee went through...

How long do you stay in the hospital after a heart transplant?

My friend will have heart transplant surgery. How long do you stay in the hospital after a heart transplant?

Incident on my private parts?

I accidentally cut off a bit of skin on my penis and I don't know if I should be worried? I used a bandage on the cut and a clean towel around the penis I sometimes feel a little...

Morphine overdose question?

Hello, I am worried about my friend who may be suffering from a morphine overdose. I believe she took 400mg, will she make it alive?

Vaping side effects?

What are the long term effects of vaping? I have extreme anxiety and am worried that the vaping i have done will give me cancer.

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