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Difference between school social worker and school psychologist?

What's the difference between school social worker and school psychologist? I noticed that my son's school has both.

What causes neck spasms?

I have no history of back trouble, but recently my neck has started going into severe spasms. It doesn't seem to be connected with exercise or exertion at all. Is this a real...

How does foot reflexology work?

I'm going to get foot reflexology on my feet, because I'm always on them. Will this help me get some pain relief?

What are the benefits of a Swedish massage?

I want to get a Swedish massage, but I just want to see why this is a better option than a regular massage. What are its benefits?

What causes restless leg syndrome?

My legs are basically always bouncing or twitching, and sometimes it feels like spasms. Can it be restless leg syndrome? What causes restless leg syndrome?

Is erectile dysfunction common in men over 40?

I'm 44-year-old male with erectile dysfunction. I've been having this issue for over two months, and haven't gotten it treated yet. Is erectile dysfunction common in men over...

What can my grandmother do about diaper rash?

My grandmother started to wear diapers for her incontinence (her doctor recommended it), and now she has a rash from wearing them. What's the best way to get rid of the rash?...

Can migraines cause vertigo?

I noticed that when I have migraines, I also experience vertigo as well. Can a migraine bring on an attack of vertigo?

Feeling the onset of a cold. Is it okay to take Theraflu?

I'm feeling an onset of a cold--I've been coughing on and off and I have a slight sore throat. I don't think it's serious because I'm not feverish at all and I'm not experiencing...

What causes diarrhea?

I am 35 years old, and I get diarrhea almost every day. Almost seems like it's chronic. What could be causing me to get diarrhea so frequently?

Should I switch my mother's doctor to a geriatrician?

My mother is nearing 70 years old, and we still both go to the same doctor. I think she should go to someone who specializes in patients her age, but she doesn't get what the...

Sore throat in the morning?

Every morning, I have a sore throat that eventually goes away. I'm not really experiencing any symptoms, however, apart from this. Is this a normal thing to experience?

Can vitamin C prevent the flu?

I've been trying to boost up my immune system so that I don't have to take any of my sick days from work. I want to try taking something like, Airborne, to increase my levels...

Do stents need to be replaced?

My uncle had to have 7 stents put in place after his heart attack. Do these stents need to be replaced after some time? Or are they reliable enough to last a lifetime?

Are there any warning signs of gingivitis?

I was diagnosed with gingivitis a few months ago, but I feel like I had no symptoms of it, whatsoever. If it wasn't for my dentist, I probably would still think that nothing is...

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