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Can a naturopathic weight loss program cause side effects?

I am planning to undertake a naturopathic weight loss program because I'm just so tired of the lack of results I'm getting from the programs advertised on television. Are there...


What is the best exercise for me? I need both knees replaced and I'm 65.

I have a lower back pain after sex. Can physical therapy help me?

I am having a lower back pain every time I have sex. Should I consider any physical therapy to strengthen my back muscles?

As a runner should I also undergo physical therapy to avoid pulls and tears?

I have recently started running to try and remain active. Should I undergo physical therapy to prevent pulls and tears while running?

What can I do to increase my leptin sensitivity?

I am a pcod patient and I am gaining weight very easily despite going to the gym frequently. How can I increase my leptin sensitivity so that my metabolism rate increases considerably?...

Are there exercises to manage gout pain?

I am a 38 year old man and I have been diagnosed with gout. I have pain in my knees and ankles due to my condition, and I want to know if there's any way that I can help it while...

Why does the blood rush to my head after I workout?

After I workout the blood usually rushes to my head which causes a severe headache, which is quite annoying. What could be the reason behind this?

What are the exercises I should do after finishing a marathon?

I have recently started running 5K and 10K marathons. I have no professional training and my running is purely out of self practice. Please suggest the key exercises I should...

Can you please suggest some neck exercises that can be done while sitting and working?

I have a desk job that requires me to be sitting for about 10 hours a day. Could you please suggest some exercises that can help my neck pain from sitting long hours?

What exercises can my mom do to relieve her back pain?

My mother has been suffering from extreme back pain and the medications are not helping her much. Are there any specific exercises that she can do to get relief from this back...

How does the bariatric surgery work?

My height is 5’4 and my weight is 246lbs. I am considering a bariatric surgery as nothing else seems to work to get my weight back on track. How does this surgery work and is...

I have just suffered a slip Disc. After how long can I start by back exercises?

I recently underwent a slipped disc and there seems to be a space created between my vertebrae. The doctor has recommended complete rest and minimal movement. After how long...

Is running ever bad for your heart?

I was diagnosed with hypertension late last year. I've tried different exercise regimens to help manage the condition, and running is the only thing I enjoy. I run outside, not...

Regaining strength after a stroke

My mom had a stroke recently. I don't know a lot of the details. She doesn't seem to have many physical limitations but is weak. What might be the best exercise to help her?...

Should I exercise anymore?

After experiencing bouts of knee pain for 6+ months I was diagnosed with RA. It runs in my mother's side of the family too. I don't want to hurt my knees - what exercises should...

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