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Am I positive from covid from previous infection or do I have covid again?

I'm not sure if you would be able to answer this, but I had covid at the end of December but started testing negative around December 27th. Now I'm experiencing symptoms and testing...

Covid vaccine side effects?

I have had the first covid jab, since then despite having no skin conditions prior I have dry spots on a varicose vein which my doctor has given me Betnovate ointment. Bad circulation...

Can the COVID cause kidney problems?

I have kidney problems after the COVID infection. Can the COVID cause kidney problems?

How can I treat high blood pressure after the COVID infection?

I have high blood pressure after the COVID infection. What are the treatment options?

I have pain in my left shoulder when I swallow food or drink?

In April I had a life-changing accident when I fell down a flight of stairs. I ruptured my spleen. Upon closer look, the doctors also found two aneurysms in my splenic aorta....

My feet are burning with covid?

I have covid for the second time. The last time I had it was in September. With having covid now my feet are burning sensation constantly. What should I do?

Toe infection?

I need to know if my toe is infected. I went to the salon about a month ago and my toe is turning colors.

HPV diagnosis?

I had a positive high-risk HPV diagnosis on July 24, 2021.

Vaccination question?

I received a one-dose J&J vaccine in April of 2021 and got covid in October 2021. Should I revaccinate with a two dose mRNA vaccine? Or should I just receive a booster? Is there...

Contagious stage of Covid?

I have been fever-free for twelve days but still am testing positive for covid or variant, am I still contagious? How long can it take to get a negative test, I have skin cancer...

HSV 1 Positive IGG?

I recently got STD tested before starting a new relationship. My results from HSV Type 1-Specific Ab, IgG were positive 57. 10. My HSV II was negative. I have no physical symptoms...

Should I visit urgent care if I have COVID infection?

I was diagnosed with a COVID infection. Should I visit urgent care if I have COVID infection?

Is it bad that my sat drops?

My husband had a positive covid test Monday. I had a fever for about 24-36 hours on Sunday/Monday. It's now Thursday. I feel a slight upper respiratory irritation. Kinda like...

Can heart muscle damage after COVID be fixed?

I have heart muscle damage after the COVID infection. Can heart muscle damage after COVID be fixed?

Transmission of Hep C?

I swallowed semen with blood in it and as it turns out the guy has hepatitis C. I don't think I had any open wounds in my mouth, but I still need to know is it still possible...

COVID-19 Rapid Test vs PCR Test?

I started showing signs of COVID-19 (headache, body aches, chills, fever, sore throat, and stuffy nose) so I got a rapid and PCR test. The rapid said I was positive but when I...

Question about Lyme disease?

I have been sick for years with chronic fatigue, chronic migraines, cognitive issues, flu-like symptoms, neck pain, head pressure, convulsive-like occurrences (I have no idea what...

Can mild COVID affect your heart?

I had a mild COVID infection last week. Can mild COVID affect your heart?

Not sure what to do?

I’m getting over Covid, I was diagnosed on December 20 with Covid. For the past three days, I started coughing again, vomiting, very tired, sore throat, and fever.

How long am I contagious?

I had a dry throat Wednesday, January 12th, so I took a covid rapid test and it came back positive. How long am I contagious for? How long do I have to isolate from my family?...

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