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Why do I feel my heart beating when I lay down?

I am a 17 year old male. I feel my heart beating when I lay down. It makes me anxious.

What does it mean if a child has tightness in their chest?

My 15 year old son has chest tightness sometimes. What does it mean if a child has tightness in their chest?

Can stress cause a heart attack?

I am a 20 year old male with a high stress job. Can stress cause a heart attack?

Why does my 8 year old have chest pain?

My 8 year old daughter has chest pain occassionally. What could be the cause?

Why are there hydroxychloroquine shortages?

My daughter with lupus is being affected by hydroxychloroquine shortages. How could this affect her health?

What causes upper chest pain in a child?

My son is 7 years old and he randomly will have upper chest pain. What causes upper chest pain in a child?

How to help a child with high blood pressure?

My 11 year old son was diagnosed with high blood pressure in March. How to help a child with high blood pressure?

What causes heart problems in children?

I am a 35 year old mother of three. I want to know what causes heart problems in children?

How long does chest pain usually last in children?

My 7 year old daughter has occasional chest pain. How long does chest pain usually last in children?

Can children go into cardiac arrest?

I am a 50 year old male. I want to know how long can a cardiac arrest last?

Does my daughter's pacemaker surgery need to be canceled?

My 17 year old daughter will be having pacemaker surgery in May. Does my daughter's pacemaker surgery need to be canceled?

Do babies get anesthesia for heart surgery?

My baby will have heart surgery and needs anesthesia. Do babies get anesthesia for heart surgery?

Can a child get an ECG?

My 13 year old son might need an ECG. Can a child get an ECG?

Should I take my child to the hospital after having chest pain?

My child is 3 years old and said he had chest pain. Should I take my child to the hospital after having chest pain?

Can a child go to school with heart palpitations?

My 10 year old son has diagnosed heart palpitations. Can a child go to school with heart palpitations?

What is the fastest way to lower diastolic blood pressure?

My teenage son has diastolic blood pressure. I want to know what is the fastest way to lower diastolic blood pressure?

Can caffeine cause chest spasms?

My 17 year old son says he has chest spasms when drinking coffee. I want to know if caffeine can cause chest spasms?

Why does my 6 year old complain of chest pain?

My 6 year old son complains of chest pain but doesn't do sports. Why does my 6 year old complain of chest pain?

Is exercise safe for a child with previous heart issues?

My 15 year old son had open-heart surgery as a baby. Is exercise safe for a child with previous heart issues?

How long can you live with heart arrhythmia?

My 16 year old daughter was diagnosed with a heart arrhythmia. How long can you live with heart arrhythmia?

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