
1 What is a Meditation?

To reduce stress and to develop intentional focus such as minimizing random thoughts about the past or future is the main goal of meditation.

This has been practiced for thousands of years and has many benefits. This can also help with relaxation, concentration, fatigue, stress reduction and inner peace, and can help in relieving depression, anxiety, insomnia and pain.

Meditation might improve physical health such as digestive problems, rheumatologic conditions, and heart health if combined with conventional medicine. There are many forms of meditation, but most have in common a quiet location, a specific comfortable posture and a focus of attention.

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2 Reasons for Procedure

People are drawn to meditation for many different reasons. Some use meditation because of their doctor’s recommendation for seeking the health benefits of lowered blood pressure, restful sleep, and stress reduction.

Others use this for relief from angry, fearful and painful thoughts that are in their mind. Others use this to improve their concentration. The purpose of meditation depends on the mediator itself.

3 Potential Risks

Some of the potential risks of meditation include:

  • Not every type will be suitable for everyone.
  • In meditation you connect to your internal space and depending on what you stored in your internal space, meditation may release emotional and mental blockages from abuse and traumatic images to unprocessed anxiety, grief or anger.
  • Meditation is often romanticized and misunderstood.

4 Preparing for your Procedure

In preparing for your meditation, you may want to consult with your doctor. 

You may want to be spiritually protected and relaxed at all times because when you meditate you may become spiritually vulnerable to ethereal attacks.

Relax by breathing in deeply through your nose, holding it briefly in your solar plexus stomach area and then slowly release your breath through your mouth. You can also begin relaxation exercise.

5 What to Expect

Here you can find out what to expect from your meditation.

In meditations, close your eyes and ask your spirit guides and guardian angels to protect you while you are meditating.

Envision a beautiful white light eliminating from the center of your body and will slowly extend outwards to cover yourself from head to toe.

This will be your divine spark that will help to keep you protected.

During meditation, you may try different techniques such as open eye meditation, mirror meditation or vipassana. You may also meditate to directions and colors.

6 Procedure Results

If you do not understand your meditation results, consult with your doctor.

Some of the possible benefits that you can get for mediating include:

  • Relief from anxiety and stress.
  • Lower cholesterol levels.
  • Decreased blood pressure and hypertension.
  • Increased production of the anti-aging hormone DHEA.
  • More efficient oxygen use of the body.
  • Restful sleep.
  • Changes in various areas of the brain such as growth in the areas related to memory, sense of self, stress regulation, and empathy.

7 Related Clinical Trials
