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Top 7 Study Books for Nursing Students

Top 7 Study Books for Nursing Students

Books are an important resource for those who are attending nursing school or studying for exams. Even nurses in all fields of healthcare must constantly learn and refresh their knowledge. Great books cover the most important information— from preparing to get into nursing school and getting accepted into the school to improving one's studying abilities and knowing the next steps once nursing school is done.

Below are 7 nursing study books that will surely give one an edge in the field of nursings.

Mnemonics: 108 Memory Tricks

One can take their nursing studies to the next level using The Mnemonics: 108 Memory Tricks. Mnemonics have been a proven way to boost anyone’s learning speed and retention span. This Mnemonics book is packed with 94 mnemonics with complete descriptions. With helpful images included, one will surely have an accelerated learning.

This bestselling Amazon book by Jon Haws is very easy to use. Because NCLEX studies should be taken seriously, the book is structured to help anyone reach their goal of becoming an RN. Nursing students can benefit from these loads of easy to apply memory aids from This book is an ideal addition to any other nursing books.

With its 94 well-organized and illustrated mnemonics, students will get exactly what they need in order to easily learn even the most difficult concepts in nursing. This complete mnemonic guide is widely available, especially on Amazon. Mnemonic Categories include Fundamentals, Med Surg, Pharmacology, OB/Peds, and Mental Health.

How to Succeed In Nursing School

This excellent book, authored by Caroline Porter Thomas, offers insightful nursing paper help and answers to common questions nursing students have regarding how to get into nursing school. Some of the key inquiries addressed include how to successfully pass the board exam, the difference between an ASN, LPN, and BSN, how to survive the nursing student life, and strategies for staying focused throughout the program.

Aside from loads of helpful information and practical advice, students will also gain other advice and knowledge from 25 different nursing professionals and professors from popular educational facilities such as Yale. Students who wonder about succeeding in their studies or students who need sound advice should read this remarkable book.

Books are an important resource for those who are attending nursing school or studying for exams. Even nurses in all fields of healthcare must constantly learn and refresh their knowledge. Great books cover the most important information— from preparing to get into nursing school and getting accepted into the school to improving one's studying abilities and knowing the next steps once nursing school is done. Write essays for money essayhub is a notable example of how such resources can be utilized to further enhance one's understanding and skills in the field.

63 Must Know Lab Values

A great resource for the most common lab values should come in handy for anyone who’s studying for NCLEX or anyone who’s already a full-time nurse. Even nurses need to have instant access to these lab values over their long shift. Many nurses get caught in a situation where they have to call on this knowledge. If they haven’t used it in a long time, it can be easy to second-guess. Making mistakes due to lack of knowledge will make the patients suffer. This is why it is best for nursing students and nurses to keep studying in order to understand fully that vital workflow, lab protocols, and values/units.

The 63 Must-Know Lab Values is perfect for nursing students and even actual nurses. This book covers the 63 most important lab values one must know. The book gets straight to the point by delivering highly important information. It also provides a brief introduction and the charts that include the 63 important lab values. Their normal ranges, units, and abbreviations are also included in the charts. Followed by the charts is a brief description for every value, including what causes abnormal values and their indications.

2018 Lippincott Nursing Drug Handbook

The 2018 Lippincott Drug Handbook is a best-selling drug guide used by nurses and other clinicians. The handbook delivers up-to-date crucial drug information. This handbook covers essential information on more than 2,000 medications organized from A to Z. The drug monographs comprise generic and trade names, drug class, pregnancy risk category, and controlled substance schedule. Indications, dosages, dose adjustments, drug interactions, effects, and nursing deliberations are also included.

A specific part of the handbook tackles about patient safety and administration of medication. Its appendices include laxatives, topical and ophthalmic medications, contraceptives, combination products, vaccines, and more. A free online access to Monthly Drug Updates as well as a Toolkit packed with hundreds of drug-related resources is also provided.

Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice

This fundamental study guide is fully updated to exhibit the fresh content and evidence-based focus of its 7th edition. It delivers chapter-by-chapter assessment and a mixture of innovative learning activities designed to help nurses strengthen their research and critical appraisal skills. Impartial coverage makes nurses familiar with the processes behind clinical research and evidence-based practice. Well-defined coverage of quantitative and qualitative research methods is presented in specific parts of the book to prevent confusion.

Extensive and high-quality research samples, including sample critiques, exhibit the application of the outlined principles. Research pieces bridge the gap between academia, clinical research, and clinical practice. The contributors of the guide are represented by a widely respected team of experts in nursing research and evidence-based practice. Each chapter of the book contains a mixture of popular learning aids. They include Learning Outcomes, Key Terms, Evidence-Based Practice Tips, Helpful Hints, Critiquing Criteria, Appraising the Evidence, Critique of a Research Study, Critical Thinking Challenges, Critical Thinking Decision Paths, and Key Points. The American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Awards recognized the 8th edition with a first place award in Nursing Research category.

RNotes: Clinical Pocket Guide

The highly respected and widely popular RNotes is the preferred pocket guide tool for nursing students, nurses, and nursing educators for safe and successful health care in hospitals and in home settings. One can rely on this pocket guide to promptly reference the vital and practical information needed for safe and effective health care for all patients.

The book is handy in size, and it has waterproof pages. It’s great for nursing students and educators on the go. NCLEX tips are also highlighted, making it perfect for those who are preparing for the licensure exam. The 4th Edition of the book has been thoroughly revised and updated to deliver even more helpful information, including the commonly-used but seldom memorized clinical information needed in classes and practices.

Nursing Care Plans: Diagnoses, Interventions, and Outcomes

The book is proudly written by expert nursing educators Judith Myers and Meg Gulanick. Nursing Care Plans serves as two books in one. This book covers the most commonly used medical-surgical nursing diagnoses, as well as clinical issues in adults. It covers 217 care plans. 147 of them cover disorder-specific, risk factor management, and health management care plans. 70 of them cover nursing diagnosis care plans as starting points in generating individualized care plans. Each care plan reflects the up-to-date evidence and practice guidelines.

Nursing school can be tough. However, anyone has the ability to succeed and do extremely well, especially if they use help provided by various services, for example. The process can even be fun and fulfilling. These books will make time spent in nursing school more enjoyable and successful. If one turns out to be a great nurse, many job opportunities will be open. In nursing, different levels of qualification are required. There can be a fair level of pressure on the job. However, still, a high level of job satisfaction is reported by many nurses, especially for those who are passionate and constantly learning.