Pulmonologist (Pediatric) | Pediatric Pulmonology Questions

2 year old wheezing, 40 degree fever

set of symptoms:
Fever keep coming suddenly,
tiny eyes and eye discharge even when not sleeping, eyes are hot, neck are hot, fever over 40 degrees, sneezing, wheezing on exhale, 2 year old toddler. Fast breathing 42 breath or more per minute, at night she keep waking up specially because of coughing. what could this be?

Female | 2 years old
Complaint duration: 2 weeks
Medications: Inhalation, dafalgan.

1 Answer

The duration of symptoms is quite long. May have started with a viral illness but seems like there may be a bacterial secondary infection and possibly a pneumonia with the respiratory rate and fever that high. Would strongly recommend following up with a physician in person very urgently. Consider emergency room or urgent care.