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About HIV?

Dear doctor, I live in Nigeria where the prevalence of HIV is very high. I had sex with a commercial sex worker using a condom, please is there any way I can contract HIV or any other STD?

Male | 34 years old
Complaint duration: 18/05/2022
Medications: None
Conditions: No medical condition

2 Answers

It's always possible to contract an STD or HIV if the commercial sex worker (CSW) and you had open breaks in their skin, skin lesions or sores. For example, genital herpes simplex virus may get transmitted with genital to genital contact, even with a condom on your penis and it may come to an area around your groin. You would know it as it would be very painful. You can get tested for HIV, with a blood test, and chlamydia and gonorrhea with a urine test and if there were no issues with the condom, this may be less likely. You did not share if you had oral sex with him or her, the mucous membranes of the mouth can also potentially transmit infection. Syphilis is possible as well and you could develop a zit like lesion where the condom was not, if the CSW also had an open lesion. If you frequent CSWs, you may want to consider going on pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP. It would be daily truvada (FTC and tenofovir) or descovy (FTC and TAF) or some folks are taking injections such as cabotegravir/Apretude.
Some STDs spread by skin to skin contact, but a condom protects from Gonorrhea and HIV, unless it breaks.

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