Dermapathologist Questions Dermapathologist

Are these stretch marks?

Recently, I have developed what I believe are stretch marks on my legs. I have always gotten stretch marks quite easily since I hit puberty as a teen. But I have never seen stretch marks this big in size, and it seems that they are blistering in some parts and are beginning to feel quite tender and painful on the blisters. I haven't had any recent weight gain, but I have begun working out more frequently. I take measurements of different parts of my body and none of my leg measurements have changed, so I do not believe the marks are because of weight gain or too much stretching. On my other leg (my right one) I could see the same thing was beginning to occur in the same spot as on my left, so I quickly began daily applying cocoa butter and vitamin e oil. The marks on my right leg all but vanished but the marks on my left leg seem to be getting worse. They appeared quite rapidly (I would say within a month or so), seemingly out of nowhere, and stretched from below my knee up into my inner thigh.

Can anyone confirm that these are stretch marks and maybe offer any advice, please?

Female | 24 years old
Medications: Junel (birth control)

5 Answers

Those are not stretch marks. They could be a sign of vasculitis. You need to see a dermatologist ASAP. Blood work and biopsy need to be done.

Hope all goes well,
The photos certainly do not resemble stretch marks. Looks like a condition called erythema ab igne: to visit a local dermatologist for evaluation.
Hi! this is definitely NOT stretch marks. If your legs were exposed to heat like heating pads, heated laptop, electric blankets, this is likely to be a condition called erythema ab igne. Otherwise, looks like livedo reticularis which is secondary to vascular problems like vasculitis/vasculopathy, autoimmune, etc. You should definitely visit a local dermatologist nearby!
These are not stretch marks, but vascular lesions. You should consult a physician.
The pattern you have on your legs is referred to as "livedo". Although this may not be serious, there are several serious conditions that need to be ruled out when this appears. You need to visit a local Dermatologist who may want to do a biopsy and several blood tests.