Allergist and Immunologist Questions

Asthma-Is Prednisone for head colds?

I was diagnosed with asthma.
Present day. I went for acupuncture a few weeks ago and she has a dog. It was my first allergic reaction to a dog. I had an allergic reaction to cat a few years ago. So anyway, I have asthma. Also, yesterday my mom who I live with got a head cold. I now have a head cold.
I used my albuterol inhaler this morning and I was just prescribed 20 mg Prednisone (2 tablets) once a day. So, 40mg of Prednisone once a day. I also take Fluticasone Propionate nasal spray (2 sprays daily). I was given three boxes of the spray but was never told how long I should take it?! One more medicine is Motroprolol 25mg once daily.
Symptoms: shortness of breathe, coughing (asthma and triggered by head cold and allergy), chest tightness (especially in the back) and tightness goes down to abdomen and lower back some (especially the back), some mucus, slightly itchy eye and nose (from head cold?), runny nose (it began yesterday morning), tired and feel like sleeping a little bit, trouble to talk (short of breathe). I just used albuterol inhaler a second time today.

I’m seeing a pulmonologist in two months and will ask for maintenance inhaler, since albuterol is fast acting. We’re trying to get a sooner appt.

My question is, does Prednisone also treat head cold?! I don’t have a sinus infection and I don’t need to take anything for head cold! No antibiotic!

Female | 38 years old
Complaint duration: 3 weeks
Medications: Prednisone, Fluticasone, albuterol and metropolol
Conditions: Pre-existing asthma, Cardiomyopathy (low heart rate two days after C o v I d shot, later diagnosed. Never had palpitations before shot. Don’t smoke, drink, eat organic), Going to rule out autoimmune disorder (tiredness/can’t drive, read, work or function morning immediately after same shot, asthma since 2020

2 Answers

You need to see a doctor. Metoprolol can make asthma worse. Prednisone may help asthma but may mask other symptoms like autoimmune disorder. Colds are frequent triggers of asthma.
No  steroids are not indicated for head colds  - most of those are viral anyway. If you have questions as to why the medication was prescribed for you should discuss it with the provider who prescribed it.  Monika Korff,