Orthodontist Questions orthodontics


Does it hurt to get braces off?

Female | 15 years old

7 Answers

It is somewhat unpleasant but not painful
No it shouldnt hurtmay be your doctor can use a bit of topical anesthetic
No. Removing braces off do not cause pain. The specialist Orthodontist is well trained to remove each brackets in a gentle manner.
Getting braces placed on your teeth does not usually cause any pain. The process includes cleaning your teeth, conditioning them to accept the orthodontic adhesive, then placing the brackets on your teeth and finally using a special light to cure the adhesive. As you would expect, none of these procedures usually cause pain but keep in mind that after the braces are bonded it might take a week or two four your body to adjust and get used to them. It is expected to have some discomfort during this adjustment period to which we recommended for some patients using special oral rinses and taking an appropriate dose of Tylenol to manage the discomfort before it occurs.
They make special tools to remove the braces. Some very minor pressure will be there. Once the braces are taken off then the glue will need to be removed
It should e an easy procedure. We remove the races then we clean the teeth from any remaining glue.
Depends on the technique and if your teeth are loose. It's not thar bad, but every once in a while some patients are a little more sensitive