Dermatologist Questions Dermatology

Brown Marking on Pinky Nail

I noticed a light brown marking on my pinky nail yesterday. When I press it, it doesn't visually change, so I'm guessing it is on the nail instead of the nail bed. It's painless.

If it helps, I used a cheap, temporary colored hairspray that stained my fingers & nails for days. I also had my ring finger of the same (left) hand covered in indelible ink, which is mostly gone now except on the nail itself. Both happened last week.

Is it a cause of concern? Asking for opinions here because GP where I live tends to be dismissive & would rather send you away with a doctor's note & antibiotics after 3 minutes of consultation.

Female | 29 years old
Conditions: Mild eczema; mild dust allergy

1 Answer

For any changes on the mail you need to consult a dermatologist