Addiction Medicine Specialist Questions Addiction Medicine Specialist

Can alcohol addiction go away?

I have an alcohol addiction. Can alcohol addiction go away?

2 Answers

You can learn to cope without alcohol, but it will be a daily battle that will take strength, support, and will to fight, but it can be done.
As an expert counselor/therapist I can tell you that alcohol addiction is very tough to battle, and I congratulate you on reaching out for answers. It's essential to recognize that alcohol addiction is often a chronic condition that requires ongoing management. Even after achieving initial sobriety, individuals may need to continue with therapy, support groups, and other forms of treatment to maintain their recovery and prevent relapse. While recovery from alcohol addiction may be challenging, many individuals are able to achieve and maintain sobriety with the right treatment, support, and resources.
However, it's crucial to seek professional help and support if you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol addiction, as it can have serious consequences for physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life Dr. Inoa from Hood Meditation
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