Aerospace Medicine Specialist Questions Gastroenterologist

Can diarrhea be prevented?

I get diarrhea every morning. Can diarrhea be prevented?

2 Answers

The first thing you need to figure out, is what causes your diarrhea. Do you have GERD (acid reflux). Certain foods can cause the stomach to produce more acid. You might not even realize you have it. The Gall bladder is responsible for concentrating the acid when we each fatty and rich foods. Keep a food journal of what you eat and when throughout the day. Then you can see if a certain kind of food if any caused it. Bad food and water can cause it as well. If it does clear up in a couple days, you should see your Dr. Mean while follow the BRAT Diet so you can still get calories with out triggering more. BANANAS, APPLESAUCE, RICE, TOAST PEDIALYTE to stay hydrated. Avoid caffeine, smoking. If you dont have Pedialyte, just get Gatorade and dilute it 50% with water. Good Luck
Yes of course it can but you need to find out why it is happening. A proper evaluation by a PCP or gastroenterologist would be advised.
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