Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can disc hernia be treated without surgery?

I was diagnosed with a disc hernia. Can disc hernia be treated without surgery?

1 Answer

Yes, many cases of disc herniation (also known as a slipped or herniated disc) can be treated without surgery. Non-surgical treatment options are often the first line of care for individuals with disc herniation, and they can be highly effective in relieving pain and improving function. These non-surgical approaches aim to manage symptoms, promote healing, and prevent the need for surgical intervention. Here are some common non-surgical treatments for disc herniation:

1. **Rest**: Initially, rest may be recommended to avoid activities that worsen symptoms. It's important to strike a balance between rest and gentle movement to prevent stiffness.

2. **Pain Medications**: Over-the-counter or prescription pain medications, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or muscle relaxants, can help manage pain and reduce inflammation.

3. **Physical Therapy**: Physical therapy is often a cornerstone of non-surgical treatment. A physical therapist can create a customized exercise program to strengthen the muscles that support the spine, improve flexibility, and teach proper body mechanics.

4. **Heat or Cold Therapy**: Applying heat or cold packs to the affected area can provide pain relief and reduce inflammation. Heat is often used to relax muscles, while cold can help reduce swelling.

5. **Epidural Steroid Injections**: In some cases, your healthcare provider may recommend epidural steroid injections. These injections deliver corticosteroids directly into the spinal canal to reduce inflammation and provide pain relief.

6. **Chiropractic Care**: Some individuals find relief from disc herniation symptoms through chiropractic adjustments and spinal manipulation. Always seek care from a qualified and licensed chiropractor.

7. **Traction**: Traction therapy may be used to relieve pressure on the spinal nerves and alleviate symptoms. It involves gently stretching the spine.

8. **Lifestyle Modifications**: Making lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy weight, practicing good posture, and using proper body mechanics when lifting, can help prevent recurrent disc herniation.

9. **Bracing**: In some cases, wearing a back brace or lumbar support belt may provide pain relief and support for the spine.

10. **Acupuncture and Massage**: Alternative therapies like acupuncture and massage may offer relief from pain and muscle tension associated with disc herniation.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of non-surgical treatments can vary depending on the severity and location of the disc herniation and the individual's response to treatment. In many cases, non-surgical interventions can successfully manage symptoms and improve the quality of life without the need for surgery.

However, if conservative treatments do not provide adequate relief or if there are signs of neurological deficits (such as weakness or loss of bladder/bowel control), surgery may be considered. Surgical options for disc herniation typically involve removing or repairing the herniated portion of the disc.

The decision to pursue surgery or non-surgical treatment should be made in consultation with your healthcare provider, who will consider your specific condition, symptoms, and overall health to determine the most appropriate course of action.