Acupuncturist Questions Hepatologist

Can fatty liver be fixed?

I have a fatty liver. Can fatty liver be fixed?

8 Answers

I'm not sure. Doubtful with only acupuncture. Definitely would need more informatiin.
Yes, the liver, unlike other organs, can rejuvenate itself as long as the damage is not too severe. First, one must change their diet. Bad fats like vegetable oils which damage the liver as does fructose and alcohol. It is important to only use good fats like real olive oil, coconut oil, and contrary to conventional wisdom even butter from cows that were free-range and grass fed. Fruit must be limited (fresh lemon is OK) and no foods containing fructose or especially high fructose corn syrup should be eaten. Some suggest a dairy free diet. My experience is that while most dairy is not good for the liver it is because the dairy is from cows that have been raised in modern agricultural ways and given antibiotics and vaccines.

There is an herbal formula from Evergreen Herbs called Cholisma (ES) that is particularly good for fatty liver and helps to heal the liver over time. This is along slow process. It did not get damaged overnight, and it will take time to heal so it is a life changing process, not a quick and easy process. You will need a professional to order the formula for you. Other herbs you can use are Milk Thistle that is readily available at most health food stores.

It is also important to stop all alcohol consumption as well as recreational drugs including marijuana. Long term use of marijuana is not good for the body. Smoking and vaping of any kind must be stopped. Any medications that are not needed should also be discontinued, contact your medical professional about this. If necessary, they may prescribe a different medication if the one being taken is not helpful in healing the liver. The liver must process all medications so knowing the affect a medication has on the liver is important.

Avoid over the counter medications as much as possible, most are not as safe as one might think. Find alternatives to pain killers, digestive issues, and cold/flu remedies. You may need to consult an appropriate healthcare professional to know what is best for you to take as an alternative.

It is also important to reduce your stress levels, drink plenty or clean, non-fluoridated water, get adequate exercise and sunlight, and get a good night’s sleep. It is when we are asleep that the body heals itself.
Why not. I'm not sure exactly what is denoted in 'fatty liver' as a diagnosis, and when it is 'NASH' and when and at what levels those two conditions can eventually cause cirrhosis. be certain you are familiar with those concepts as they are very important. In acupuncture, there is a Liver Channel which is associated with the organ. We would treat that channel for numerous conditions; as the liver is an important and foundational organ and channel. For now, follow your suggested nutritional suggestions assiduously for some time, and see if you can instigate an improvement. I would be happy to add some acupuncture into your healthcare mix.
yes acupuncture an herbal medicine
Yes. Acupuncture and herbs can successfully treat a fatty liver and heal it over time. I suggest you try it.
Yes, you can try acupuncture, it might help your problems.
If your fatty liver is due to alcohol consumption, fatty liver can be reversed in about 2 weeks after quitting intake of alcohol. If it's from NAFLD (non alcohol), losing weight is the key. Vitamin E can help with the detoxing and healing of the liver.
A lot is going to depend on why you have fatty liver (alcoholic fatty liver/cirrhosis vs non-alcoholic fatty liver disease), how well you can manage the causal factors (diet and alcohol intake), and how progressed the problem is.

The liver is unique among organs in that, if enough of it is healthy, it can regenerate to a degree. I've worked with several NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) patients and, assuming we can get the diet under control, there is almost always some progress that can be made. A complete fix, in certain circumstances, is unrealistic.