Doctor Questions Obesity Medicine

Can medications fix obesity?

My daughter is obese. Can medications fix obesity?

3 Answers

The short answer is no. However medication has a side effect that makes you lose weight. That is not a fix at all because once you stop it comes back. The way to fix obesity is 1. Monitor portion size. Keep lessening the amount on your plate 2. Quality of food is import. Eat mainly whole food plant based food 3. Intermittent fasting. Going 12-14 hours of not eating. Drinking water if needed during that time. That is best done in the evenings overnight to morning 4 Be deliberate about moving or exercise
Thank you for your question. Overweight & obese individuals deserve a comprehensive evaluation to determine why an individual might be overweight or be classified as obese. Consequently, management of either condition is best determined individually without defaulting to a fix such as taking medication. Please have your daughter evaluated by her medical provider. Resolving excess weight conditions will in the long run be beneficial for her.
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Yes! With proper lifestyle change and complete engagement with a physician that will look at the big picture and not just the obesity, absolutely . I treat patients internationally, globally all over the world as well as locally. Visit me at