Dermapathologist Questions Naturopathic Physician

Can skin fungal infections be treated without medications?

I have a skin fungal infection. Can skin fungal infections be treated without medications?

3 Answers

If you mean, can fungal infections be successfully treated without prescription drugs, the answer is yes. There are many herbs and natural products that are effective. Wer get the best results when we look at the whole person and get specific testing, such as blood work and a stool test, to fully assess and t=treat.
I have treated skin fungal infections with Tea Tree oil and Frankincense essential oils, applied multiple times per day. Sometimes these have worked even after prescription anti-fungal creams didn't. In addition, I would certainly avoid sugar and alcohol, which can alter your body chemistry enough to have an impact.
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Fungal infections are rather stubborn infections. Using essential oils and herbs can help promote some anti fungal support, but they tend to take a very long time to correct. Especially if fungal infection move into the nail beds-those can take potentially years to treat without medications. Keep skin clean and dry is very important because fungus grows best with moisture like the folds of the body.