Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

Can you do something with anemia?

I was diagnosed with anemia. Can you do something with anemia? What are the treatment options?

9 Answers

Yes it  can be permanently cured with Homeopathy Treatment . Very effective medicines are there in Homeopathic . With my treatment of 1.5 month you will get permanent relief.   Will prescribe the complete treatment  You can consult me now through online     Warm regards.
We will exam 1st. Then provide dry needling 1st. Patients will find instant results in general.
Depending on patients’ medical histories and conditions, each patient will have different responses. Patients will have to follow up in 3-7days depending on severity.
Patients will be examined again on how much difference they have experienced since the initial acupuncture treatment.
Then we can give patients a plan for symptomatology.
If we find limitations in improvements, we will apply different plans as a holistic approach.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine we usually treat anemia for 6 months to one year. We use acupuncture with herbs, and sometimes massage. A good practitioner can help you with this gradually over time.
Yes. And diet management as well.
yes. I encourage you to book a session with your practitioner of choice to get help with relief. Acupuncture, herbs and nutritional counseling
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I don't know of any points that treat anemia, but I would check with your local practitioner to see if they have any herbal formulas that might help you with that.
Yes, I can treat you with my needles, I think acupuncture treatment is very good option.
There are many different kinds of anemia. They range from nutrient deficiencies to auto-immune conditions. Without knowing specifically what kind of anemia we're talking about, it's hard to tell you whether or not acupuncture will be of any benefit. There are techniques in Chinese medicine that 'build blood'. Some of these may be useful to you depending on what type of anemia you have. My best advice is to take whatever diagnosis and lab results you have currently to a few local licensed acupuncturists and see what they say. If you need help finding a local provider you can go to and use their 'Find a Practitioner' lookup. In a case like this, it's important to see an actual nationally board-certified, state-licensed acupuncturist - you want someone who is fully trained in Chinese diagnostics and who understands the complete system. A chiropractor or a physical therapist with a few hours of extra training will NOT do in your case.