Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can you fix a bulging disc?

I have a bulging disc. Can you fix a bulging disc?

4 Answers

A bulging disc can be decompressed. The discs are cartilage cushions between all your vertebrae (bones of the spine). Time, gravity and sometimes physical stress can compress the spine, putting pressure on the discs. with enough pressure, the disc may bulge out on the sides. This is not good because you have nerves that exit the spine directly above each disc. If the disc material comes in contact with a nerve, or even the spinal cord; it can cause pain, numbness, tingling or weakness wherever that nerve innervates. The discs in your neck can cause symptoms in your shoulders, arms, hands or upper back. The discs in your lower back can cause symptoms in your buttocks, hips, legs &/or feet. Chiropractors are probably the best at decompressing discs, but physical therapists are trained in it as well. I recommend taking care of the bulging disc because it could get worse. A Disc Herniation is when a disc is under enough pressure that it bulges out and ruptures or tears. This is still treatable, but usually a longer process, and some bad herniations require surgery. I hope this helps.
A bulging disc, where a disc extends beyond its usual space in the spinal column, can cause discomfort and pain due to the pressure it places on the surrounding nerves. While the term "fix" might imply a quick and permanent solution, the management of a bulging disc typically involves a combination of treatments aimed at reducing pain, improving function, and preventing further injury. Here are some non-surgical treatments that can help manage a bulging disc:

1. **Physical Therapy**: A physical therapist can design a program that includes exercises to strengthen the muscles supporting your spine, improve flexibility, and reduce pressure on the affected disc.

2. **Medications**: Over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications can help manage pain and inflammation.

3. **Heat and Ice Therapy**: Alternating heat and ice can help reduce pain and inflammation. Ice packs can reduce swelling, while heat therapy can relax muscles and increase blood flow.

4. **Lifestyle Adjustments**: Changes in daily activities, including proper lifting techniques, ergonomic improvements, and maintaining a healthy weight, can help alleviate symptoms and prevent further disc issues.

5. **Massage Therapy**: While not a direct treatment for the bulging disc itself, massage can help alleviate the muscle tension and pain often associated with this condition.

6. **Chiropractic Care**: Some people find relief through chiropractic adjustments, which aim to improve spinal alignment and function.

7. **Epidural Steroid Injections**: For severe pain, corticosteroid injections near the affected area can reduce inflammation and pain.

It's important to note that while these treatments can be effective in managing symptoms, they do not "fix" the bulging disc in the sense of making it revert entirely to its original state. However, many individuals find significant relief and are able to return to their normal activities without the need for surgery.

In some cases, if conservative treatments do not provide relief and the condition significantly impacts quality of life, surgical options may be considered. These are typically recommended based on the severity of the symptoms and the overall health of the individual.

Consulting with a healthcare professional is crucial to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific condition. They can assess the severity of the disc bulge and recommend a tailored approach to management and recovery.
Bulging discs can usually be fixed. Please find a good chiropractor to treat you.
A bulging disc situation appears after a strenuous activity or an accident in the category of back stress. In ear reflexology I surely can be of some help to find the cause of the situation.

By using the pulse and the filters I could find out how your body is not serving you normally and makes you embarassed to do some movements. Seek who in your neighborhood is qualified for the task and make an appointment .

Some therapists may not use the Dr Nogier's method, but they can still find out how to activate your specific ear points and give you some healing.

Take care!