Acupuncture Questions Acupuncturist

Can you fix chronic shoulder joint pain?

I have chronic shoulder joint pain. Can you fix chronic shoulder joint pain?

17 Answers

Yes chronic shoulder joint pain can be relieved with acupuncture!
Fix is always a tricky word. We improve how the body functions, so yes, definitely. How much it gets better, and how fast, are more determined by how it was injured, how long ago, and what else has been done treating it.
With Craniosacralqigong, we can retrain and teach the person to regain better pathways and facilitate the healing of joint, such as shoulders. It always depends on the internal milieu and the history of the person's condition.
Yes, but it takes time.
Yes, acupuncture can fix your chronic shoulder joint pain.
Absolutely acupuncture can help shoulder pain and fix for some cases.
Yes it  can be permanently cured with Homeopathy Treatment . Very effective medicines are there in Homeopathic  With my treatment of 1.5 month you will get permanent relief. Will prescribe the complete treatment You can consult me now through online     Warm regards.
Since your condition is chronic, it means you had that pain for a long time. Seeing an Ear Reflexologist will help to improve the mobility and reduce the pain that slows you down in many activities.

Having a session will give you an answer to the cause of your situation and should help you to know better about how your body, initially built the pain. It could be a car accident, a blow, a surgery, a dentist session or an allergy.

Give a call to a ear therapiist near you and see how better you will feel.
We will exam 1st. Then provide dry needling 1st. Patients will find instant results in general.
Depending on patients’ medical histories and conditions, each patient will have different responses. Patients will have to follow up in 3-7days depending on severity.
Patients will be examined again on how much difference they have experienced since the initial acupuncture treatment.
Then we can give patients a plan for symptomatology.
If we find limitations in improvements, we will apply different plans as a holistic approach.
Read here:
I would recommend looking into regenerative injection therapies!
Yes, acupuncture can treat just about any chronic pain.
Yes. It will take time to help with your chronic issue. Acupuncture with massage and herbs can relieve your chronic shoulder joint pain gradually.
It depends on what is causing the joint pain. Acupuncture can be very helpful in the management of pain
For something like chronic joint pain the effectiveness of acupuncture is going to depend on why, exactly, you're experiencing the pain in the first place.

If this is something like osteoarthritis and the cartilage that normally cushions the joint is gone, the pain can be managed but, in my experience, you'll likely still have some level of pain. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are not going to re-grow the cartilage.

If this is something along the lines of bursitis/frozen shoulder, acupuncture can often provide a resolution to the issue.

For joint issues, I almost always recommend that patients or prospective patients start with their primary care or an orthopedics specialist. Some imaging and an evaluation gives a much better idea for what's going on in and around the joint, which allows me to be much more specific about how useful acupuncture might be in the case.