Abdominal Surgeon Questions surgeon

Can you repair a hernia without mesh?

I have had 3 hernia repairs, and 2 of the 3 have been with mesh. I am looking at another surgery but I don't want to have mesh I am always hurting. I can provide medical records it's a ventral symptomatic incisional hernia.

Female | 29 years old

6 Answers

You have a very difficult problem. I really don’t have enough information to give you an answer. Whatever you choose, it’ll be a major procedure. I hope you do well.
A tissue repair (repair without mesh) is possible depending on the size of the defect. Have a discussion with your surgeon - this is an elective procedure, if you are not getting what you want then get a second opinion from another surgeon.
The use of mesh is sadly the go-to repair type for any hernia location. If you have muscle ( like ~6 pack) in your ventral abdominal wall and some abdominal wall thickness, ie. subcutaneous fat, then you can request NO mesh and ask for the surgeon to take the time to use the tissue mentioned above for a no mesh repair. BTW, I would recommend No general anesthesia; an epidural is able to prevent moving and pain and the newer one's las postop 30 min. only. Personally , I had a repair with abdominal muscle turned into to fill the gap (hernia site) after I accidentally pulled out sutures from a previous abdominal surgery-it has done just fine; and I would suggest that you ask if the 2 meshes can be removed due to the constant ache/pain both cause-this should be covered by insurance as a surgical necessity -I cannot say for sure but that mesh is a big problem for many people.! (like dental implants problems).
Most of the time yes. But before you chose to not use mesh, discuss the pros and cons with your surgeon.
Hernias can be repaired without mesh, but the risk of them recurring
(coming back)rises considerably. All incisional hernias on adults
should include some form of mesh in their repair.
Not for this hernia. You will need mesh.