Infectious Disease Specialist Questions Infectious Disease Specialist

Covid-19 tests?

I tested positive for covid-19 in late Oct 2020. I recently had a blood test that shows I have the anti-bodies. I have no symptoms but recently (Feb 11, 2021) tested positive again. Can I contract the virus a second time and if so how long will I need to be in quarantine?

Male | 70 years old

4 Answers

Yes you can contract the SARS CoV-2 virus again. You should quarantine at least 10 days.
If the recent positive test was a nasal PCR, 2 weeks of quarantine. If the recent test was a rapid antigen test, repeat to verify with PCR test and quarantine while waiting for result. If PCR positive, quarantine x 14 days. Why were you retested? Did you have symptoms or an exposure to a test + person? Have you had the vaccine? Your case is too complicated now for one simple answer. Contact your own pCP.

Carl Lauter, MD, MACP
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Thanks for the question. It is rare, but you can contract the virus a second time. The CDC defines a second infection as symptoms with a positive test more than 90 days after the first infection. Quarantine 10 days if you have no symptoms. Sorry.

Yes you can test positive and be infected even though you were infected previously. You can also get a new infection and become sick with the new strains of the virus even though you were infected previously with the old strain. This is why you have to maintain precautions and masking. You should also get the vaccine since the vaccine gives you better protection and better antibody response even though you were infected previously. You should isolate till you have a negative PCR.