Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Wrist pain

Dent at the top of wrist

Last year I started having issues extending and flexing my wrist. It was usually on and off but this year it got so bad I felt pain while writing. Had surgery a few months ago because doctors said it was ganglion cyst, recently started trying to bend my rest and there’s still a dent in it and something like a bump behind the dent

Female | 20 years old
Complaint duration: 2 years
Medications: Pain killers

3 Answers

I only have a limited view of your wrist, It seems to be on the thumb side or the radial side. Perhaps another diagnosis to be considered. Is radial styloiditis Or Dequervain's Tenosynovitis? Here the tendons That move the wrist and the thumb Could have been swollen with fluid simulating a ganglion cyst. Take an x-ray of your wrist. And seek consultation to see whether there is a foreign body present or Whether this is the residual of radial styloiditis.
If you had a cortisone injection you probably have some atrophy of fat.No harm but does not look good.Might fill in with time
An MRI can help with diagnosing this.