Nutritionist Questions

Did I overdo it on selenium?

Hello. I had about 6 Brazil nuts Saturday, 6-8 yesterday, 6 this morning and 8 this evening, without thinking. On top of this I have been supplementing with 100 mcg of selenium a day. I know this was a dumb move and will be discontinuing both for a while. I just wondered your opinion, did I overdo it? My only symptom is a little bloating/indigestion

Male | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 1
Medications: Norvasc, doxycycline
Conditions: None

1 Answer

Yes, you can definitely overdo selenium. Selenium is a trace mineral that your body only needs in very small quantities. If you have a thyroid condition, best to stick with food-grade interventions like brazil nuts and small amounts of iodized salt unless you are under the care of a practitioner.